Student examining an agarose plate

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  • Dec

    Cocoa and Cram @ 11:00 am - 4:00 pm Chemistry 1435

    CURB is offering a fun and helpful place to study for your finals! Come join them in Chemistry 1435, the Learning Studio, for some hot cocoa and stress relief as you study.

Student Spotlights

Diana Alexandra Morales Mijares

"The path you take may not be the one you’ve originally chosen, but it feels good to embark on an unexpected journey with better beginnings."

Mahak Kathpalia

"Research does not always involve correct and conclusive answers. Navigating your way through different fields of study to figure out the best possible explanation is what makes the process rewarding."

Kylie Plouff

"Don't ever be afraid to reach out for an opportunity to learn from others, learning from others allows research to prosper. Research is one of the best and most fun places to learn and get your hands dirty."

Rodrigo Villanueva

“To me, organic chemistry is like an elegant, never-ending puzzle. There are numerous solutions to an infinite amount of problems, which I think is a beautiful thing.”