Intro to Research

Intro to Research is a workshop that helps potential undergraduate researchers learn how to get involved with a research group and make the most of their research experience.

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Fall 2024 - Intro to Research Presentation

Spring 2024 - Workshop with Chemistry Undergraduate Research Board Q&A Panel

Intro to Research Slides – March 2024

Full Transcript

Click on the top right menu to skip to the relevant section, listed below:

0:45 Welcome to Intro to Research
4:35 Can I get credit or paid to do research?
6:05 How do I get started with finding a research opportunity?
13:55 How do I email professors to ask about undergraduate research opportunities?
20:30 How do I prepare for a meeting or interview with a professor?
24:00 How do I enroll to get credit for research? How many credit hours do I need?
26:53 How do I make the most of my experience as an undergraduate researcher?
28:15 Tips for Undergraduate Research
30:05 Can I do research during the summer?
35:30 Chemistry Undergraduate Research Board (CURB) Panel Q&A
1. Victoria Tholkes (biochemistry)
2. Hunter Coplien (organic chemistry)
3. Elizabeth Schnorrenberg (bioinorganic chemistry)
4. Brendan Prosser (chemical biology)
Reach out to CURB (

Pre-recorded Workshop (with full transcript)

Download the full transcript for the Intro to Research workshop

Click on the menu in the top left of the video to skip to the relevant sections outlined below:
0:00 Welcome to Intro to Research!
1:42 How does research work?
2:47 Can I get credit or get paid to do research?
4:06 How do I get started?
4:38 How do I decide my research interests and goals?
6:55 What are the different areas of chemistry research?
7:52 How do I find the right professor/research group to join?
11:35 How do I email professors about research opportunities?
13:30 What are professors looking for in undergraduate research applicants?
15:35 How do I write an email to a professor?
18:44 What do I do if a professor doesn’t respond to my email?
19:00 How do I prepare for a meeting or interview with a professor to join their group?
21:47 Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need prior experience to do undergrad research?
Do we have to cold-email?
What are other methods to contact professors?
What are some classes that will be useful or helpful for research?

22:50 How do I enroll in chemistry research credit?
25:13 How do I make the most of my research experience?
26:55 Tips for Undergrad Research
29:15 Summer Research Opportunities
31:28 Contact the Chemistry Undergraduate Research Office if you have more questions!