Shuyi Zhang
"Research is all about figuring out things that nobody knows, and failures are inevitable along the way. That is the reason why you get a great sense of achievement when things finally start to come together."

Hometown: Beijing, China
Major(s): Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
Current Research Group: Boydston
What are your plans after graduation?
I plan on going to grad school and I am applying for PhD programs in both chemistry and chemical engineering. I haven’t decided if I should stay in academia or go to industry, but I would like to focus on research for my career.
Why did you get involved in research?
I have always been interested in exploring things I don’t know, and undergraduate research is a great opportunity for me to do so. Professor Boydston also did a great job in triggering my passion in research and showing me how fascinating polymer chemistry is.
Briefly describe your favorite part about research
I think the most exciting moment in research is when you find your result align with your hypothesis, or when “your reaction works”. Of course, it does not happen a lot during research. Research is all about figuring out things that nobody knows, and failures are inevitable along the way. That is the reason why you get a great sense of achievement when things finally start to come together.